Digital Photographic Series, for the project Les veilleurs de Rennes by Joanne Leighton (2013).
A different duo presented every day, for a year, in several metro stations in the city of Rennes.
Project partners: the watchmen:
City of Rennes
National Choreographic Center of Franche-Comté Belfort
The Chamber of Trades and Crafts of Ille et Vilaine
The Giboire Group, Spectacular
West France
The Objective Plume Collective
Channel B.
Production of the photographic duos portraits of the project Les Veilleurs de Rennes by Joanne Leighthon presented at the Les Tombées de la Nuit festival in Rennes .
These photos taken during the preparation workshops of the 729 Veilleurs de Rennes given over a period of one year were presented in the four main stations of the Rennes Metro.
Explanation of Les veilleurs de Rennes (The watcher from Rennes) project:
Joanne Leighton and Les tombees de la nuit offered the performance Les Veilleurs de Rennes for 729 participants from September 30, 2012 to September 29, 2013.
One person every morning and another every evening came to watch over Rennes for an hour, at sunrise or sunset, for 365 days, from the roof terrace of the building located at the corner of 2 cours des Alliés and 1 rue de l'Alma / Esplanade C. De Gaulle. Being present in a specific site, being an actor - observer, questioning the space, opening one's gaze as far as the eye can see, experiencing the encounter between our body and this landscape...
This is the meaning of this performance during which each participant experienced a fundamental notion in choreographic practice: the quality of a presence.